From Headmistress’s Desk

Mrs. Jecintha Kasab
- Headmistress
In the words of Oscar Wilde, The aim of life is self-development to realize one’s nature perfectly.
Over the years, as a teacher I have realized that if the fertile soil of the mind is enriched with the values of love, kindness and patience the saplings of good education and character will grow into strong trees and bear good fruits.
The aim of education should be to teach the child to think, not what to think.
This has been the endeavor of Smt Vidyaben D Gardi High School and Junior College and Dhanvallabh English School. With the combined efforts of our hardworking and dedicated faculty and support staff, goodwill of our friends, blessings and guidance of our patrons we are confident that the school will continue to evolve consistently.
In addition to our strong academic programs, we also have athletic programs with a tradition of success and a fine performing arts program that is second to none. We are proud to be a comprehensive high school where every student has opportunities in any area they pursue. We have a kind, caring, highly-qualified staff who truly believes that each one of our students can and will succeed.
Education that rests on creativity and innovation is at the heart of successful learning and we endeavor to achieve this through a broad and balanced curriculum which allows children to not only realize their potential but also build their confidence.
Have a great year ahead and God bless you.